We are incredibly pleased to announce that the new Nashville office is officially open. Our Nashville staff has been operating in this new building for a few weeks, but yesterday we were able to commemorate its official opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
“Building better communities and being a part of the overall company culture of W&A is a new experience every week for a smaller branch office like W&A: Nashville,” project engineer Kyle Lao commented. “W&A Engineering: Nashville is committed to leaving an impact on the world we live in. The best way to describe what the new office means to the Nashville team? Growth. There is so much potential for growth and success in the future, and we are so excited.”
Our new Nashville office is located at 807 2nd Ave S, Nashville, TN 37210. This new office is another manifestation of W&A Engineering’s rapid growth and mission to Build Better Communities! We look forward to seeing you.